Title: Cubic (excerpt), 2021 Choreography and Direction: James Moreno Scenic and Costume Design: Rana Esfandiary Cinematography & Sound Design: Bryce Heesacker Video Editor: Bryce Heesacker Dancers: Gabrielle Corporal, P De Marco, Grace Josin, Hannah Kempskie, Annalee Larsen, Madison Meade, Gabrielle Smith Title: Six Traquero Tales, 2020 Choreography and Direction: James Moreno Dramaturg: Cynthia Bond Cinematography and Sound Design: Bryce Heesacker Video Editor: Morganne Wakefield Costume Design: Cynthia Bond and James Moreno Dancers: Taylor Cheek, Johnny Dinh Phan, Maya Gold, Grace Josin, Madison Meade Title: Land (excerpt), 2019 Choreography: James Moreno Music: Alexander Balanescu |
Title: human, next: Phase III (excerpt), 2016 Choreography: James Moreno Dancers: Lisa Caldwell, Julie Ferrell, Dani Nolette, Sarah O'Keeffe, Megan Robinson, Liz Washam Video & Sound: Benjamin Rosenthal |